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Public Law, International Law, Human Rights Tanveer Rashid Jeewa Public Law, International Law, Human Rights Tanveer Rashid Jeewa

From objects to subjects of property: Reflecting on the gap between legal and social recognition of women’s rights to land ownership in Africa

Women in Africa are often excluded from inheriting, evicted from their lands and homes by in-laws, stripped of their possessions, and have no choice but to engage in risky and non-consensual sexual practices in order to keep their property. Tanveer Rashid Jeewa argues that this inhumane treatment often comes as a result of women having no land to their name and consequently, no security of tenure, shelter or economic security.

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International Law, Human Rights Abiy Ashenafi International Law, Human Rights Abiy Ashenafi

Reflections on some challenges to achieving durable solutions to violence-induced internal displacement in Ethiopia

In international refugee law, as well as IDP-specific soft law and practice, three forms of durable solutions, namely, local integration, return and relocation, have been recognised and implemented. These have been adopted in the African Union Convention on the Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) – a regional binding treaty ratified by 33 African states, including Ethiopia. Yet, implementing the treaty and realising durable solutions for IDPs has been difficult. This piece identifies several challenges to achieving durable solutions to violence-induced displacement in Ethiopia and offers some recommendations.

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Human Rights Louise du Toit Human Rights Louise du Toit

The Shell Case: A Victory for Social and Ecological Justice in South Africa

In this post, Louise du Toit examines the South African High Court’s judgement in Sustaining the Wild Coast NPC and Others v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others. It is argued that the judgement highlights the importance of civil society activism and the crucial role of the judiciary in upholding constitutionally protected social and environmental rights.

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Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Public Law Sohela Surajpal Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Public Law Sohela Surajpal

Prisons in Africa – a death sentence for women’s rights

Women in African prisons endure abuse, violence, endemic overcrowding, inadequate food, and poor hygiene and sanitation. Sohela Surajpal examines this problem and argues that a feminist movement committed to protecting and empowering the most marginalised among us must look to alternative visions of safety and justice that a divestment from carceral politics might offer us.

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International Law, Human Rights Alicia Raymond International Law, Human Rights Alicia Raymond

South Africa, the Rainbow Nation that only loves certain colours of the Rainbow?

The post-apartheid era has seen the golden age of transformative laws and policies, providing rights and legal entitlements for the previously disadvantaged within South Africa. However, in as much as South Africa has celebrated over 28 years of democracy, that democracy can rightly be argued to exclude non-South Africans. Do we intend to equally provide basic rights to all persons within our borders or is South Africa a rainbow nation that only loves certain colours of the rainbow?

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International Law, Human Rights Stefanie Rothenberger International Law, Human Rights Stefanie Rothenberger

The Kenyan Supreme Court writes a new chapter in the history of the rule of law in Africa

Dr Stefanie Rothenberger, head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Programme for Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa, reflects on the Kenyan Supreme Court’s recent decision on the Building Bridges Initiative with Dr Willy Mutunga, the former Chief Justice of Kenya.

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Human Rights, Constitutional Law Callixte Kavuro Human Rights, Constitutional Law Callixte Kavuro

Gender Inequality: The Vulnerabilities of Women under the Asylum System

South Africa’s 1998 Refugees Act fails to reflect the country’s constitutional commitment to equality in as far as it entrenches the unequal treatment of women. Shortcomings in refugee protection lead to the treatment of refugee women as minors and smother their autonomous voice in the refugee application process.

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Human Rights, International Law Mispa Roux Human Rights, International Law Mispa Roux

Refugees of the Ukraine Conflict Expose European and Western States’ Deep-Seated Bias Towards “the Other”

The Ukrainian refugee crisis has exposed multifaceted layers of discrimination, racism, and prejudice towards “the other” by European and Western states.   Despite the condemnation of differential treatment and racism against non-Ukrainian refugees and the implementation of protective measures for all refugees, differential treatment and double standards continue to manifest in practice.

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Human Rights, International Law Charles Ngwena Human Rights, International Law Charles Ngwena

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: Comparative Lessons for the African Region

The majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is an absolutely negative lesson for the African region and African women. Its refusal to recognise women with unwanted pregnancy as gendered moral subjects with decisional constitutional authority in respect of abortion is a manifest denial of the equality and human dignity of women.

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Human Rights, International Law Charles Fombad Human Rights, International Law Charles Fombad

Countering the Scourge of Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa

Unconstitutional changes of government constitute a grave danger to the stability and consolidation of democracy in Africa. The recent wave of coups d’état in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Niger – coming at a time of unprecedented poverty and threats of famine initially caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and now aggravated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine – is likely to provoke more political instability.

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Human Rights, International Law David Bilchitz Human Rights, International Law David Bilchitz

Constitutional Transformations: New Blog Series in the Lead-up to the World Congress of Constitutional Law

In the run-up to the World Congress, ALM and the IACL-AIDC blog present a new series as a foretaste of the brilliant thinking that will be in evidence at the Congress. We will feature some of our wonderful plenary speakers as well as members of the Programme Commission and some members of the Executive Committee of the IACL who have constructed the programme. Our theme for the conference is ‘Constitutional Transformations’.

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Human Rights, International Law Sfiso Benard Nxumalo Human Rights, International Law Sfiso Benard Nxumalo

A Culture of Non-Compliance? A Challenge to the African Commission and African Court

The African Commission and African Court have made important contributions towards furthering rights protected by the African Charter. However, without sufficient compliance mechanisms, what is the significance of rich jurisprudence beyond academic interest? There is a serious culture of non-compliance and non-enforcement, which undermines the legitimacy and credibility of the Commission and Court’s judgments and orders.

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International Law, Human Rights Sanya Samtani International Law, Human Rights Sanya Samtani

Remedying Copyright Discrimination at the South African Constitutional Court

On 12 May 2022, the South African Constitutional Court heard its first ever copyright discrimination matter brought by Blind SA, an organisation serving the interests of people with print and visual disabilities, on the basis that South Africa’s copyright laws unfairly discriminate against them and violate several constitutional rights.

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