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Ghana Declares that Bolt Drivers are Independent Contractors: Five Reasons Justice Noah Adade v Bolt Ghana Ltd Deserves a Different Verdict
In this article, Joshua Kyeremateng and Theophilus Edwin Coleman offer five reasons why the circuit court in Ghana should have arrived at a different conclusion on the employment status of gig workers in Justice Noah Adade v. Bolt Ghana Limited and Another.
Land Dispossession and Labour Control
In this post, Marthinus van Staden discusses the intersection of land dispossession and labor control in South Africa’s colonial and apartheid history, as highlighted by the recent case of Izaacs v Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others. This landmark ruling, delivered by the Land Claims Court in October 2023, sheds light on the enduring legacy of racially motivated land theft and its profound impact on indigenous South Africans.
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We welcome unsolicited submissions covering current legal developments in constitutional law, fundamental rights law, public law, international law and related fields.