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Ghana Declares that Bolt Drivers are Independent Contractors: Five Reasons Justice Noah Adade v Bolt Ghana Ltd Deserves a Different Verdict
In this article, Joshua Kyeremateng and Theophilus Edwin Coleman offer five reasons why the circuit court in Ghana should have arrived at a different conclusion on the employment status of gig workers in Justice Noah Adade v. Bolt Ghana Limited and Another.
Righting Wrongs: Ghana’s Supreme Court Declares a COVID19-Induced Law Unconstitutional
Earlier this year, Ghana's Supreme Court declared the Imposition of Restrictions Act (IRA) 2020 unconstitutional, merely three years after its enactment. This post takes a closer look at the IRA's prior controversies and highlights the key aspects of the Court's decision that substantiated earlier concerns, ultimately leading to the Act’s repeal.
Created in the Image of God, Criminalised by the Laws of Ghana
Amidst heated debates over the criminalisation of homosexual relationships, Ghana’s parliament is considering passing a Bill entitled the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values of 2021 (“Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill”). The Bill, if passed into law, will usher Ghana into another wave of criminalising homosexual conduct.
Supreme Courts, Election Petitions and Democratic Growth
Ghana teaches us important lessons about the special role of African Supreme Courts for the survival of democracies on the continent.
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