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South Africa, Constitutional Law Roxan Laubscher and Martinus van Staden South Africa, Constitutional Law Roxan Laubscher and Martinus van Staden

Book Feature: Landmark Constitutional Cases that Changed South Africa (Roxan Laubscher and Marthinus van Staden)

This week's blog post highlights a book feature. We had a conversation with Associate Professors Roxan Laubscher and Martinus van Staden about their recent publication, which explores landmark legal cases in South Africa's constitutional history. The book delves into these cases' effects on the nation's legal and social landscape, offering an in-depth analysis of key court decisions and their broader implications for justice and governance in South Africa.

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Southern Africa, International Law Martha M Bradley and Marko Svičevič Southern Africa, International Law Martha M Bradley and Marko Svičevič

Book Feature: Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Conflict: International Humanitarian Law and Regional Security (Marko Svičevič and Martha M. Bradley eds.)

In this post, the ALM team interviewed book editors, Marko Svičevič and Martha M. Bradley to provide an overview of their recent publication which examines one of today's most overlooked conflicts. Through a multidisciplinary lens, the book explores the conflict in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado province, which has claimed thousands of lives and displaced a million people since 2017. It examines the conflict's origins, the responses from regional and international actors, and its broader implications.

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Constitutional Law African Law Matters Constitutional Law African Law Matters

Book Feature: Constitutionalism and the Economy in Africa, (Charles M Fombad and Nico Steytler eds.) (OUP, 2022)

In “Constitutionalism and the Economy in Africa”, the relationship between constitutionalism and economic growth in Africa is examined with reference to how constitutional reforms in the 1990s and beyond have reflected the shift towards a market economy. Through these inquiries, the book aims to deepen our understanding of how constitutional frameworks interact with economic growth in Africa. ALM caught up with editors, Prof Charles Fombad and Prof Nico Steytler to ask them more about this book.

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